
Commission: Music Covers

A series of 8 singles and one Album cover for the musician’s 4th Album, coming out summer 2022 “Shape & Form”

October 25th, 2021

Group Show: Tanthem Live

Founded in 2017, Tanthem as an organization has been working to develop artists and create art experiences all over the world. Previous exhibitions were held in Montreal, Paris, and London.

Tanthem: Rebound was a one night exhibition in NYC, held across 5 locations in the east village; both in the apartments of individuals, and restaurant/bars.

Helen Hawkins displayed one large scale, three medium, and a grid of small paintings, all of which can be seen in her “Paintings 2021” album.

July 17th- August 17th, 2021

Group Show: Waking the Witch

A group show curated by fellow NYU alum, Daphne Moses. ‘Waking the Witch’ symbolized new beginnings for artists who got to participate in a show for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. Held in the west village, Helen Hawkins displayed paintings and dark room photographic prints. All of which can be seen in her ‘Paintings 2021’ album, and ‘Dark Room Photography’ album.


Commission: Illustrations for, “Memoirs of Abuse” by Bobbie Hebert


Bobbie Hebert has spent her life in the service of children. Robbed or a childhood of her own, the abuse she suffered imbued her with an exorbitant amount of kindness and empathy towards children and others. After years of social work, she began teaching children with learning disabilities how to read out of her house.

Now in her 70s, Bobbie has written a memoir about her childhood and life, to bring to consciousness and light the darkness that existed in her home, allowing for a sympathetic experience towards Bobbie and anyone else who has suffered from similar forms of abuse.

She gave me the great honor of illustrating key moments from her life, and drawing the cover and title page from the only existing photograph of her as a child.

“Navigating Important Issues With Helen Hawkins”

There are no upcoming events at this time.